Saturday, September 27, 2008

Medicne on how to rid of acne

« ...When millions of people suffer from a disease or condition, even one as typical as acne, it is obvious that a great deal of effort will be spent studying and attempting to understand the factors that cause the condition. This is definitely true of acne. Because acne doesn't have just one causative factor, it is even more of a challenge to isolate the factors and to provide a regimen of treatment that will provide relief on all fronts. In order to clear acne, treatment must include an antibacterial agent, an agent to dry the eruptions and products to help heal the skin breaks. ...
...It's been known for a long time about the wonders steaming can do to your skin if used minimally. Be it a quick brush with steam just before a party. Your skin starts glowing and you get a fresh feeling. ...»
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«...The usual suspects include chocolate, French fried and pizza, but scant hard evidence to support them. It has been suggested that diary milk product may play a vital role because of its close link with severity. The non-fat portion of milk contains hormones and bioactive molecules, such as androgens and progesterone....»
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tags: is acne a sign of pregnancy, proactive acne treatment forum, acne free scar removing lotion

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